Earlier this year, I wrote about the proposed-and-failed sale of the FMCC Dorms in Johnstown, NY. Fulton-Montgomery Community College is part of the State of…
Posts published in “Christina Fleming”
Yesterday, I wrote about a fitness center (actually two) that the College of San Mateo built with bond funding. The issue for San Mateo voters…
In 2005, voters in San Mateo County, CA approved a $468M bond issue. In California, taxing authorities must be explicit about what they intend to…
Everyone thinks they know Murphy’s Law. If you ask someone to cite it, chances are good that they’ll say, “Anything that can go wrong will…
Last month, Moody’s Investors Service downgraded a debt issue of Rider University (Lawrenceville, NJ) from Ba1 to Ba2. The change in the school’s credit rating…
Last month, I wrote about the recent sale of Ellucian, WCC’s managed service provider. Ellucian had been purchased in 2015 by two venture capital firms…
Last week, the Barton Community College (Great Bend, KS) Board of Trustees voted to terminate the school’s automotive program. The Trustees cited declining enrollment, high…
Last month, the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Community College Board both issued COVID-19 recommendations. Higher education institutions in Illinois should require…
Two years ago today the WCC community said goodbye to the College’s in-house IT staff. The current WCC administration outsourced the entire Information Technology staff.…
Ivy Tech Community College announced a new partnership with the United Methodist Youth Home. The agreement enables residents of the UMYH to work on their…