A growing number of community colleges will implement mandatory vaccination policies for students and staff who return to campus. The move is an effort to…
Posts published in “WCC Budget”
Yesterday, I wrote about a change in Illinois state law that now allows community colleges to build affordable housing intended for low-income students. Prior to…
Last month, lawmakers in Illinois passed a law that enables the state’s community colleges to build and own affordable housing for their students. Prior to…
Earlier this year, I wrote about the proposed-and-failed sale of the FMCC Dorms in Johnstown, NY. Fulton-Montgomery Community College is part of the State of…
Yesterday, I wrote about a fitness center (actually two) that the College of San Mateo built with bond funding. The issue for San Mateo voters…
Everyone thinks they know Murphy’s Law. If you ask someone to cite it, chances are good that they’ll say, “Anything that can go wrong will…
Last month, Moody’s Investors Service downgraded a debt issue of Rider University (Lawrenceville, NJ) from Ba1 to Ba2. The change in the school’s credit rating…
Last week, Walmart announced that it would pay 100% of its workers’ college tuition and books costs. Today, Target did the same. To qualify full-time…
Last month, I wrote about the recent sale of Ellucian, WCC’s managed service provider. Ellucian had been purchased in 2015 by two venture capital firms…
Ivy Tech Community College announced a new partnership with the United Methodist Youth Home. The agreement enables residents of the UMYH to work on their…