Trustees of the University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill heard administration plans to close the school’s $100M structural deficit by June 2022. The structural deficit…
Posts tagged as “WCC structural deficit”
California Watch, a non-profit associated with the Center for Independent Reporting, noted that California’s community colleges had too many administrators. In fact, they had twice…
Like many community colleges, WCC’s fall enrollment dropped. The Winter semester has not yet begun, so it remains to be seen whether enrollment will recover.…
Without doubt, the fitness industry has been one of the hardest-hit sectors by the coronavirus pandemic. Gyms and spas were closed for a significant portion…
The current issue of The Nation has an excellent article on the growing danger of institutional debt. (Sadly, the piece is available online only to…
Recently, I ran across an article on a website called CounterPunch, which offered a familiar litany of complaints about higher education. The author’s ultimate question…
Recently, I was looking at income data, and ran across a few tables that show the distribution of income and wealth. There are many ways…
I recently ran across an article about the Rhode Island legislature’s hearing on community college spending. In July, the Legislature heard testimony from the president…
The pandemic has shifted the view on a lot of things on college campuses. At WCC, someone should be asking hard questions about whether or…
The CARES COVID-19 relief package provided – among many other things -funding for both community colleges and community college students. Congress is still considering a…