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2024 Washtenaw Community College Board of Trustees Election

This section includes information regarding the 2024 Washtenaw Community College Board of Trustees candidates. This election cycle’s candidates include incumbents Dianna McKnight Morton and Alex Milshteyn. I (Eileen Peck) am challenging for a seat on the Board. For the past five years, I have written the content for WCCWatch.

Dianna McKnight Morton

Dianna McKnight Morton, a resident of the City of Ann Arbor, was first elected to the Washtenaw Community College Board of Trustees in 1994. She is seeking a 6th consecutive term in the 2024 Washtenaw Community College Board of Trustees election. McKnight Morton is the mother of current WCC Trustee Angela Davis. In 2023, McKnight Morton missed 7.5% of the votes table at WCC Board of Trustees meetings. Between January and June 2024, McKnight Morton didn’t miss any votes. She has also not cast any “No” votes for any item(s) brought before the Board of Trustees in at least a decade.

Alex Milshteyn

Alex Milshteyn, a resident of the City of Ann Arbor, was appointed to the Washtenaw Community College Board of Trustees in 2023 to fill the remainder of Richard Landau’s term. Prior to that, Milshteyn was appointed to the Washtenaw Technical Middle College Board after first seeking a seat on the WCC Board of Trustees in the 2014 General Election, and finishing 6th in a field of 8 candidates. In 2023, Milshteyn missed more than 25% of the votes taken at Washtenaw Community College Board of Trustees meetings. Between January and June 2024, he has not missed any votes. He has also not cast any “No” votes for any item(s) brought before the Board of Trustees. He is seeking a seat in the 2024 Washtenaw Community College Board of Trustees election.

Eileen Peck

Eileen Peck is a resident of Ypsilanti Township, self-employed after having a 20+-year career in higher education and technology, and is seeking a seat on the WCC Board of Trustees. Eileen is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Washtenaw Community College, and believes that

  • WCC should focus on programs that lead to high-wage, high-demand jobs
  • WCC graduates should make enough money to work AND live in Washtenaw County
  • WCC should not offer discounted online tuition to non-residents, and instead focus our tax resources on our residents
  • WCC should be able to get by with fewer than 13 Vice Presidents
  • WCC Trustees should represent the interests of all communities in Washtenaw County
  • WCC plays an important role in the economic development of Washtenaw County
  • WCC Trustees have a fundamental oversight responsibility for the $76M in tax dollars Washtenaw County residents sent to WCC this year alone

Eileen’s Facebook page

WCCWatch is a publication of the Committee for the Responsible Governance of Washtenaw Community College. WCCWatch is a county-level political action committee registered in Washtenaw County and dedicated to promoting the responsible governance of Washtenaw Community College. You may find more information about WCCWatch by visiting the About page on this website.