Yesterday, I wrote about the change in instructional spending at WCC between 2015 and present. When accounting for inflation, funding for instruction has decreased by…
Posts published in “Workforce development”
WalletHub released its annual analysis of community colleges in the United States. Overall, Michigan’s community colleges ranked 15th in the nation. Within Michigan, Washtenaw ranked…
The Trustees of the Austin Community College District will place a $770M bond issue on the ballot in November. If approved, the funds will allow…
In the past couple of days, I have looked at elements of higher education spending that raise the cost of tuition. In the past three…
A new survey conducted by New America shows Americans’ decreasing satisfaction with the country’s colleges and universities. The Varying Degrees sixth annual survey measures how…
New research from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) shows that employers use remote work to reduce personnel costs. The study, which NBER conducted…
A recent survey of high school students showed that more than half (54%) worry about the cost of college. Junior Achievement USA and Citizens Bank…
If you look at the news, you’ll see an increasing amount of chatter about the possibility of recession. Recessions are a normal part of the…
According to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, college enrollment increased in only eight states and decreased by 10% or more in 19 states. That’s…
Wolverine, a Rockford, MI company that makes work clothing, commissioned a study of high school students earlier this year. The results are …. Interesting. The…